That means traffic cannot be routed between fast Ethernet LANs. 这意味着信息流不能在快速以太局域网之间流通。
But as switching comes to the desktop, a move to switched fast Ethernet at the server might need to follow, according to analysts. 据分析家们称,随着交换技术进入台式领域,接下来就需要在服务器上转向采用交换式快速以太网。
Special Fast Ethernet industry switches with fibre optic connection are used and these are superbly suited to the tough environment, thanks to their robust design. 特殊的快速以太网产业交换机是用光纤连接的。由于他们精湛的设计,使它们特别适合高速公路恶劣的环境。
Describe the features and benefits of fast ethernet. 描述快速以太网的功能和优势。
The IEEE is moving ahead with plans to standardize full-duplex Fast Ethernet, which will raise bandwidth beyond current half-duplex implementations. IEEE正在实施对全双工快速以太网进行标准化计划,这将在目前半双工的实施方法上提高带宽。
When Fast Ethernet or Gigabit Ethernet is used, the same transmission speeds are realised on copper and fibre optic cables. 当采用快速以太网或千兆以太网时,铜缆和光缆具有相同的传输速度。
However, some vendors and users contend that shared fast Ethernet is appropriate for server and backbone connections. 但是,一些供应商和用户认为,共享式快速以太网适合服务器和主干网的连接。
To fully implement fast Ethernet, users must invest in new adapters, hubs, switches and, in some cases, wiring. 为全面实现快速以太网,用户还须对网卡、集线器、交换机,甚至在有些情况下对连线进行投资。
"The fast Ethernet backbone has improved the reaction time of our network, and it has been able to maintain that even as our user community grows," he said. 他说:快速以太骨干网改进了网络的响应时间,甚至在用户群体增加时仍然能保持响应时间。
In fact, top-of-the-line laser solutions leave even fast Ethernet behind. 实际上,高端的激光方案甚至把快速以太网也抛在后面。
While switching seems to be the industry's current darling, fast Ethernet vendors pointed out that it is easier to manage a shared LAN than a switched one. 虽然交换技术成了当前工业界的宠儿,但快速以太网厂家指出,管理共享式局域网比交换式局域网更容易。
A subinterface is a logical interface within a physical interface, such as the Fast Ethernet interface on a router. 一个子界面是在一个实体界面(例如:路由器上的高速乙太网路界面)上的逻辑界面。
Switched vs. fast Ethernet 交换式以太网与快速以太网
Also, fast Ethernet is hampered by distance limitations: Its copper interfaces only support distances of100 meters between an end-station and a repeater, and10 meters between repeaters. 同时,快速以太网也受距离的限制:铜线接口只支持终端站与中继器之间100米、中继器之间10米。
Which of the following are fast Ethernet technologies? 哪一下列各项是快速的乙太网络技术?
Study of Point to Point Multimedia Communication on Switched Fast Ethernet 交换式快速以太网中点&点多媒体通信的研究
Furthermore, Fast Ethernet limits the distance between a computer and a hub to only 100 meters& making careful network planning a necessity. 而且,快速以太网把计算机与集线器之间的距离限制在仅100米,这就必须细心地设计网络。
By default the electric interface of general Fast Ethernet ( FE) is in auto-negotiation mode, while the FE optical interface and the Gigabit Ethernet ( GE) interface are in non-auto-negotiation mode. 缺省情况下,普通以太网FE电接口处于自动协商状态,FE光口为非自动协商状态,而GE接口处于非自动协商状态。
First, ATM to the desktop lost favor because Ethernet and Fast Ethernet were already well-entrenched in desktop connections. 首先,把ATM接到桌面系统已经失宠,因为以太网和快速以太网已经占据了桌面系统的连接。
Design of Fast Ethernet Communication on PDR Monitoring System PDR监控系统的快速以太网通信设计
Fast Ethernet won IEEE 802.3 standards approval in a mere 13 months. 快速以太网只用了十三个月就获得了IEEE802.3标准的批准。
Despite its management shortcomings, switching technology hands down over fast Ethernet, according to many observers. 据很多观察家说,尽管交换技术存在着管理缺陷,但它仍然不费力地胜过了快速以太网。
The industry's move to Fast Ethernet is setting records for speed and efficiency. 工业界正以创记录的速度和效率向快速以太网迈进。
This prevents fast Ethernet from being a good backbone technology choice. 这就妨碍了快速以太网成为一种好的主干网选择。
The remote transmission system is based on Fast Ethernet industrial switches for the development of fault-tolerant fibre optic rings. 远程传输系统是基于快速以太网工业交换机为发展容错光纤环而设计的。
Gigabit Ethernet Technology and Fast Ethernet Upgrading 千兆位以太网技术与快速以太网的升级
Fast Ethernet Configuration and Performance 快速以太网配置技术与网络性能分析
Fast Ethernet sales are outpacing all other high-speed LAN technologies, according to International Data Corp. 据国际数据公司(IDC)调查,快速以太网的销售超过了其它高速局域网技术。
These are basically upgraded Fast Ethernet products, and are best deployed around the edge of a gigabit core. 这些产品基本上是快速以太网的升级产品,最适合在千兆位核心网的外围边缘部署。
A sustained burst from a Fast Ethernet link, for example, can blast a server with 100,000 packets per second. 例如,快速以太网链路送来的持续的长脉冲串可能冲垮每秒10万包处理能力的服务器。